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Between Israel and Palestine,
With thousands of Israeli and Palestinian civilians slaughtered in the past week alone, with the total blackout and bombing of civilians in Gaza happening this very moment, with Israeli government officials speaking in openly genocidal terms, and with US warships moving into the Mediterranean Sea, the permanent war between occupier and occupied has boiled over into a terrifying, new, and even more violent phase—and no one knows exactly what will happen next. In this urgent, unscheduled episode of The Marc Steiner Show—the first installment of an ongoing series of conversations we will have from Israel, the occupied territories, and Gaza as the situation develops—we take you to the heart of the war that's taking place in Palestine and Israel. We speak with journalist and Palestine News Director for Mondoweiss Yumna Patel from Bethlehem about the events of the past week, and Tareq S. Hajjaj, Mondoweiss’ Gaza Correspondent, sends an update on the relentless bombing of Gaza.
Studio Production: David Hebden, Cameron Granadino
Post-Production: David Hebden
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