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Tina Turner: I Had A Really Hard Time In America Because I'm Black.
#tinaturner #news #riptinaturner
In 1984, CBS met "Queen of Rock 'n' Roll" Tina Turner for an interview. The black queen & music superstar, whose career spanned five decades narrated how she had a really hard time because she was black. She died at age 83 in Switzerland, as confirmed by her media team. She would be remembered for hits like
"what's love got to do with it" "The best"
You may like to read books authored by @tinaturner to learn from her inspiring story and experience. Below are the links to her books on one of the most trusted online shop in the world.
I, Tina: My Life Story_ https://amzn.to/43GwPqc
My Love Story_ https://amzn.to/3MVyrFt
Tina Turner: That's My Life_ https://amzn.to/3OYpApl
Happiness Becomes You: A Guide to Changing Your Life for Good_ https://amzn.to/3qxdbym
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